Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Following on last month's Mutant Sounds synopsis, here's a stab at another time-sucking super-archive: Hyped To Death. H2D specializes in compiling and selling forgotten U.S. and U.K. punk, post-punk, and power-pop from the 1970s-'80s. The following is a vain attempt at a 20-track best-of variety pack. It's culled from the Teenline (U.S. power-pop, 11 tracks), Homework (U.S. DIY, 5 tracks), and Messthetics (U.K. DIY, 3 tracks) series and the Performing Ferrets (U.K. "band," 1 track) compilation.

All in all: sweltering, like the soundtrack from an unmade softcore directed by John Hughes.

CLICK: Let's Glow / Craig Bevan (MP3)

CLICK: H2D SYNOPSIS (Zip file, 20 tracks)

01. I'm A Square / Anorexia
02. Popstar / Armed Force
03. Tight Jeans / Astrobeats
04. Where Did The Girls Go / Astrosurf
05. You Were an Optimist / Band of Susans
06. Boys Town Work Song / Christmas
07. American Neutron / Citizen 23
08. Let's Glow / Craig Bevan
09. Kiss and Tell / J.D. Buhl
10. Trak (ft lyrics by William Burroughs) / Marc Thor*
11. The Rush / Performing Ferrets
12. Turn Me On / Riff Doctors
13. Break the Ice / Scruffs
14. Walking On The Roof / Sgt. Arms
15. Teen Line / Shivvers
16. Something on My Mind / Speedies
17. Let Me Take Your Foto / Speedies
18. Girl On The Bus / Thin Yoghurts
19. Americommandos / Zodio Doze
20. Giving It All To You / 20-20

Note from H2D: "Marc Thor's second single, 'Trak,' is also from 1979. It's a typical Boston/Rat-scene gtrrock chug, but the lyrics are a fictional cigarette ad penned by none other than William Burroughs."

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